Sobriety First saved my life. I had been to other area treatment centers, and they felt impersonal or punitive, rather than like I was receiving care. Then, a friend who had also "failed" the same treatment program I did told me I should try Sobriety First, because it finally worked for her. I am so glad I did. I found an accepting, nurturing environment, with low staff to client ratios and a highly individualized, meaningful program. My counseling group felt like a family. The care from my group leader (Gwen) was just so genuine, it was contagious. When conflicts or problems arose (rarely, but there's usually some minor conflict in treatment, considering that everyone is going through a hard time), the "extended family," the rest of the staff, expressed concern. I felt reassured that the patient's individual experience is always addressed and respected. We were challenged to delve deeper, stay honest, and take concrete steps to improve our lives. This,again, is where the individualized focus is strong. No cookie cutter solutions, here. I made more mental and chemical health progress at Sobriety First than all the counseling and treatment I had before, put together. The strongest proof is that I have finally stayed drug free! I recommend it to everyone I meet, seeking recovery.